Bangalow Palm

Archontophoenix Cunninghamia

The Bangalow palm is a fast growing, up to 25 metres in ideal conditions and several metres wide at the top. With its slender trunk it looks elegant as a single speciman, but as a group it has a dramatic impact. It is perfect as a backdrop in a tropical garden setting. It also grows well indoors in a pot.

Archontophoenix is from the Greek ‘archon’ or ‘archontos’ meaning ‘ruler’, referring to its stately appearance. The word ‘phoenix’ refers to the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera).

Cunninghamiana is named after Allan Cunningham. He was a British botanist who worked extensively in Australia and sent some of the earliest specimens to The Royal Botanic Gardens.



 Can grow up to 25m with a 30cm trunk diameter. (1 metre a year at first)

Compared to other palms, the Bangalow Palm is a low-maintenance plant. It sheds and removes dead leaves by itself, which means no regular pruning required.

Full Sun to Part Shade

Sun | Shade

When the palm is young, it will be fine with partial sunlight. As it gets older and taller, it will need full sun exposure. 

Watering Can


Requires adequate moisture and watering
Tolerates swamp environment



Temperature | Wind

Will tolerate light frosts only (to -1°C)

Best in low to medium wind position. Leaves can become shredded and unsightly in high wind positions.

Bangalow Palm

Current Stock 

Height: 65cm to 2.5m.

Price: $15.00 to $200

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